Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs: All the questions you might ask!

Who is Mike Reid and what's this tournament all about?

Mike Reid was a popular resident of Greenfield Park, Quebec who passed away from Duschenne Muscular Dystrophy in 1984 at the age of 20. It was because of Michael’s love for sports that initiated his family and friends to want to continue Michael’s enthusiasm. The idea of an Annual Softball Tournament in his memory was the ideal. The Tournament would be held in his community - Greenfield Park, where many people knew him, and would be played by the people who loved him most - his family, friends and The Mackay Center. To make things more perfect, all proceeds would go back to where he gained much support - The Mackay Center School. Since the first Annual “Mike Reid Softball Tournament” in August 1985, The Tournament Committee, teams from all over Canada and the hundreds of volunteers have been able to raise over $1,000,000 for the Mackay Center School and other local charities in the Montreal area.
Read Mike Reid's complete bio >>>

Can I enter a team in the Mike Reid Memorial Softball Tournament?

Yes and No. We have 40 teams playing in the tournament each year and have no available spaces at this time. Teams occasionally drop out, so if you would like to have your team put on our waiting list, please contact tournament organizer Cynthia Bremner for information.

Can I volunteer at the Mike Reid Memorial Softball Tournament?

Yes! We are always looking for volunteers for the softball tournament and other associated events! Contact Cynthia Bremner for information on how you can volunteer.

My company would like to become a sponsor for the Mike Reid Memorial Softball Tournament. Can we?

Yes! We are always looking for new sponsors! If you or your company would like to become a sponsor of the Mike Reid Memorial Softball Tournament, go to our contact page and contact Wade Wilson or Kathryn Reid for more information.

Can I make a donation without attending the event?

Yes! We accept donations for The Mike Reid Memorial Softball Tournament throughout the year. Just go to our donations page for complete information and to donate. Please note that we currently only accept cash or checks.

Are tax receipts given for donations?

Yes. Ask for your tax receipt when you donate.

*** If you have any other questions, please contact one of the tournament organizers on our contact page.